In his rare break from living the gilded high-life, Jay-Z pointedly takes the time to remind you that his life is higher than any of yours will ever be. Now, say what you will about the Koch brothers, they don’t take time out of their day to composing Petrarchian sonnets about how many cars they own.

There is a point on Magna Carta… Holy Grail where he literally cannot even express love for his daughter without referencing all the stuff he owns
Over the course of his music career, he has basically gone from slinging crack to competing with Koch. Whatever that window in the schedule might be for your average career musician, it has got to be like the porthole on a 1:16 scale model WWII frigate for a one-man empire with his own cognac, clothing line, lifestyle website, gold-plated distro deal with Universal, sports teams, burgeoning sports agent business, marriage to a fellow world-class superstar that just produced a daughter and, I don’t know, moon mining venture? Hedge fund managership? Even if he hands off responsibility for three-quarters of these things - I am just assuming here that he is not personally sniffing grapes for D’ USSE - his daily brief has got to be longer than the President’s.